Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Kickstarting your Social Media Campaign: Part 1

Believe us! It can be frustrating!
Unfortunately, as we learned from the SpiderMan films, "with great power, comes great responsibility!". If you are really wanting to harness the full potential of Social Media for your Digital Marketing effort, then there are a number of considerations you will need to make before getting stuck in! Fine if you want it just to be a casual thing, but if you really want to make a big splash, have a think about some of the following items. You can also use these to perhaps address some problems with your already existing Social Media strategies!

What is our Goal?

What is it that your trying to achieve with your Social Media Platforms?
Are you:
  • Are you trying to sell a product? 
  • Are you simply trying to make people aware of your brand or organisation?
  • Are you trying to develop a certain type of audience?
  • Are you trying to sell tickets to shows?
  • Do you just simply want to have fun?
Various people use Social media as a platform for various reasons. However in all instances, without Goals or Objectives, then you may lose track of what you are trying to achieve. And if your not fully clued in, then neither will your audience.

So define Goals and Objectives, and track your progress!

Who is Responsible?

As with any effort, you need a good team behind you to get the best results.
Most organisations will have one person in charge of Social Media/Digital Marketing, however content, posts and other communications may be being created by others. If there are too many cooks in the kitchen, or too many voices, then you might end up confusing your audience.

Define some clear roles and responsibilities for your team.

Can/Do we produce enough Content?

You may well have heard the phrase "Content is King". The content that you create for your Digital Marketing effort is what will really draw in more people. Content can come in many different forms and over time this blog will take a look at some individually, but to name a few:
  • Video
  • Pictures
  • Sound Bits
  • Recordings
  • Blog Posts
What you yourself or your organisation is best at; home in on this and be creative! These don't have to be expensive and many can be done for free! We all know that you can't have amazing videos all the time to promote yourself! And that sometimes we only have the local stray cat to take pictures of! But as a great man once said: "All you can do is your best".

Build Creative Content creation and publication into your overall Digital Marketing strategy.

More Kickstarter Tips coming soon,

The Arts Marketeer